March pg log

Today morning day started with chicken or egg first the seminar on hypertension or renal failure which comes first' 9-10am

Attended consultant and HOD rounds in ICU till 1pm

Constant monitoring of ICU ventilator case and shared the literature around oppurtunistic infections in HIV

Handed over the cases to night ICU pg

Took handover, attended consultant rounds, took class to ugs from 10-11am

Attended hod sir rounds

Rounds follows with Nephrology pg Dr. Vinay and consultant Dr. Sandeep Reddy sir

Reviewed literature around MRI in diagnosis of HIE

ICU handover taken

Examined all the icu cases
Attended consultant rounds
Took class for 3 ug students of 2017 batc
Attended hod sir rounds

Assisted nephro pg Dr. Vinay in intubating a case of CKD in view of LOW GCS and refractory metab acidosis

Cpr done and death declared.

Reviewed literature on IDA with hepatosplenomegaly

Reviewed article online

Sunday morning after biometric went to ground for walk and then room.

17F pancytopenia case discussed with Dr. Aditya and inputs are analysed
Same was discussed with Dr. Chandana and Dr. Pramidha ( pathology pg ).

Growth charts were plotted 

Night came for duty and took hand over.

30M post renal transplantation had 3 episodes of bloody stools. 

General surgery opinion was taken in this view, after examination - No fissures, no hemorroides, no polyps. Packing was done. Informed to hod sir.
All other cases monitored.

Morning cases hand over taken
Cases monitored, rounds attended with consultants and hod sir.
30M post renal transplantation Patient shifted to amc checked for orthostatic HTN.
Took class on MRI for 2018 batch on a case of NCC/TB 
disscused neuroanatomy.
Placed arterial line for 60M seizures 2to NCC/TB post cpr status. Rt brachial arterial canula placed.


Hand over taken , attended consultant rounds.
examined the cases
discussed hyponatremia approch with students in icu rounds
re-intubated the case of 62M with sezures 2to NCC/TB in view of post MV day 8 and decreasing in saqturations and tachycardia.


took handover, attended consultatnt and hod rounds,
discussed the case of 30M post renal transplantation case with nephrology hod
explained patient regading NBM and bowel preparation for colonoscopy & endoscopy.

took handover, attended consultatnt and hod rounds,


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