
Showing posts from February, 2022


Morning examined 60M with DKA & Fourniers gangrene. Repeats and rounds attended. Went to OPD as it is my duty day under unit 5. Attended casuality for 3 cases  1. Hypoglycemia 2to insulin  60M alcoholic took insulin yesterday night and had toddy and morning took insulin following which he didn't had breakfast and brought to casuality in unresponsive state. As patient attenders have personal problems they went on LAMA. 2. 65M k/c/o CKD with portal hypertension managed conservatively since 5 years brought to casuality with c/0 blood vomitings 6-7 episodes since today morning. Patient referred to higher center for Endoscopy and variceal banding. 3. 60M hypertensive presented to opd with c/o rt sided UL & LL weakness a/w deviation of mouth to left and loss of speech  diagnosed with MCA ischemic stroke ? Cardioembolic stroke. As patient able to talk attenders were not willing for admission and left the hospital. Did night duty and saw opthal referal in view of hyperglycemia. 55F


Today morning had a quick rounds, Afternoon dose of insulin hiked for my patient - 60M with DKA 2 to Fourniers gangrene. Attended rounds, counselled attenders. Discussed with interns regarding importance of sugar control and infection control in a case of sepsis. Scrutinized Discharge summary of DKA pt.


After yesterdays night duty, Today my day started with camp at  peddasuraram nalgonda dist. Most of the cases are of osteoarthritis and senile cataracts out of which one interesting case I have come accross is :  60M shaperd with h/o involuntary movements of both upperlimbs ( Rt more than Lt) since 4 months emotionally outbursted as his involuntary movements hamperd his routine job of looking after Sheeps. He cried while examining and needed medical attention to treat his symptoms so that he can resume his daily routine job. Adviced admission under GM. Assymetric resting tremors of upper limb ( rt more than left ) Cog wheel rigidity prominent at right wrist joint Involuntary movements subsiding with voluntary movements. Discuss around the case through online media :  [2/19, 10:57 AM] saicharankulakarni: Describing the movement in the following domains - 1. involuntary movements still observed when patient is unaware of some one observing him. 2.Body part affected - upper limbs ( Rt >